Guest lecture on patent law

Patent attorney Dr. Boqiao Sun
Patentanwalt Dr. Boqiao Sun

Right at the beginning of the year 2020, a particularly interesting guest lecture took place within the BVT Institute Seminar. Dr. Boqiao Sun reported on the patentability of biotechnological inventions and thus gave an insight into this important field which was unusual at least in this seminar framework. Dr. Sun is a patent attorney in the Munich office of Schiweck Weinzierl Koch, which specializes in the protection of intellectual property in the life science field. Dr. Sun was a PhD student at the Department of Biochemical Engineering at the Technical University of Munich, where he was also assigned to the biocatalysis group of Prof. Castiglione. In this respect, he is very close to current BVT research, which was always evident during the very vivid presentation. The audience was also able to realise that a degree in bioprocess engineering does not necessarily have to lead to industrial or university research, but can even lead to a law firm.